WE are Titan Shape!


Raw, Real and Relevant

Find a solution to your problem. Why do it alone, when we can do it together

This is why we’re more than just a workout. We carry determination and integrity around with us - outside the workout room, we’re staying focused and clear-minded in our relationships with the world around us…and most important, with ourselves.

Healthy bodies, healthy minds!


  • Brianne Perez

    I've been working out with Tania since the beginning, out of her garage! She eventually grew to where we had to find a new location which is now the Little Elm Rec Center. When we talk, she listens, when we are quiet, she listens. It's up to us to follow through with the commitment, but she is still there pushing us to our potential. Whether it's spiritual, mental, or physical. Tania has built an amazing group of ladies that has come together to not only bond through fitness, but outside of the gym as well. My Mother recently battled breast cancer and lung cancer. I asked if my Mom could come to a workout with me one morning and she acquired a stationary bike for her to do in the corner while we did our workout. At the end, we made a huge circle and prayed over her. It truly was the best feeling to see and feel all the love of my fellow workout sisters there for us. Prayers were answered and she's cancer free with a recent CT scan that was 100% healthy and clear. I'm so honored to have been able to watch Tania grow this amazing group of women to what it is today. We always say, we are BEYOND FITNESS.

  • Veronica Brooks Johnson

    I met Tania in March leaving from my own individual postpartum workout. Tania had her group of women running the hallway and climbing the stairs. I sat back and observed and thought this is the motivation and accountability I need. Initially, upon joining Titan Shape I thought I was joining to workout reach my fitness goals and go home. Although Titan Shape primary focus is fitness, this group is beneficial in many more ways than known. I battled depression heavily after the loss of my mom which forced me to stay secluded and in a dark space. After my consultation with Tania, while observing in her Titan Shape Facebook group for 1 month, I decided to become a Titan May of 2022. Since May I have redirected and came out of my dark space due to the positive energy, support, and love from my Titan sisters. Why do I say we are more than fitness? We are a community, a unified body of individuals working together to reach ALL of our goals be it fitness, financially, marriage guidance, etc. We are each other support system, sisterhood there for each other in our own individual times of need.” Lastly, WE ARE TITANS and I say it proudly!

  • Andrea Olatunji

    Titan Shape is beyond fitness. Incredible community of women and a coach that is genuinely passionate for each woman to be whole-spirit, mind and body. Coach Tania has magically made every woman believe in the strength of “us”. One can make a dent but a community of women in this atmosphere can move a mountain. New women come into the gym guarded and within a week, you literally see a changed person with shoulders relaxed and a smile that is more confident. There is life BT (before Titan) but the life AT (after Titan) is filled with intentional living , more positivity, better conflict resolution, a better sense of self and a greater awareness that another woman is not an adversary they are your tribe. Coach T is onto something wonderful and I am excited to be a part of it. Yes your body will be in the best shape but it is your mind that really gets transformed .

  • Kelly Walker

    Titan Shape is more than a workout. Titan Shape is beyond fitness. Titan Shape is a community of women who became family. Titan Shape makes you stronger inside and outside. Because of Titan Shape and Tania, I have lost pounds and inches, but have gained a new family and strength I didn't know I had. Since joining Titan Shape and having Tania in my life, I have become a better person mentally, physically and spiritually.

  • Mo Robins

    I’ve been working out with Tania for about a year and a half. I love the energy and encouragement she brings to each class. She builds you up physically, mentally and emotionally. The Titan Shape community is incredible. The ladies are encouraging and there is an opportunity to gain new sisterhood and friendships. It’s beyond fitness. Titan shape is a family that I’m grateful and honored to be a part of.

  • Canitra LaShae

    Titan Shape is a whole VIBE and I’m so BLESSED to be apart of such a wonderful community of ladies! Thank you Tania for allowing God to use you for GREATNESS to help us become even better versions of ourselves physically, mentally, and spiritually! #StandOutDontBlendIn